Money Madness For The 21st Century

Created By Cathrine Friberg

Publication Name : Money Madness For The 21st Century

Published Date : Tue, 14-May-2024

Category Name : Make Money Online

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Book Specification And Summary

Money Madness For The 21st Century


This eBook discusses strategies for achieving financial prosperity and wealth. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing your strengths, talents, and goals in order to maintain abundance.

Here are some of the important terminology and concepts covered :

  • Mainifestion - The process of bringing something into reality through one's mind and intentions. Understanding your thoughts and beliefs is crucial for manifestation.
  • Talents - Innate gifts and abilities that one is naturally skilled in. Identifying your talents is an important step for career and financial success.
  • Intentions - Concrete plans and goals that one aims to accomplish, like "I intend to start a business within 6 months." Intentions with timelines are more powerful than value goals.
  • Beliefs - Thoughts one holds as true that shape one's reality. Limiting beliefs about money need to be replaced with empowering beliefs like "I am financially prosperous."

This eBook provides worksheets and prompts to help you identify strengths, passions, goals, and intentions. It emphasizes taking inspired action aligned with one's talents to achieve wealth. Specific money manifestation techniques like feeling grateful for abundance are also discussed.

Title Money Madness For The 21st Century
Author Cathrine Friberg
Publisher Money Madness For The 21st Century
Edition 1 st
No. of page 0

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